د. خالد دهيش
Khalid Dehaish has done his Master from Massey University, New Zealand, and a PhD from Victoria University, Australia with high distinction-first class honours, specialising in digital strategic alignment for enhancing sustainable performance in Saudi water companies. His research interests include topics on strategy, digital transformation and innovation, as well as sustainable performance. Currently, he is working as Senior Strategy Advisor, and Research and Innovation Strategy Manager in the Deputyship of Research and Innovation at the Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture (MEWA), Riyadh. He has been involved in MEWA’s research and innovation strategy development, and its strategic initiatives and projects planning. He is also the leader of MEWA’s digital platform for research and innovation, and Head of the Institutional Development and Digital Transformation Program in the Deputyship. In addition, he was the Secretary of the Technical Preparatory Committee of MEWA for the Saudi Pavilion at Expo 2023 Doha, and currently, acts a representative of MEWA in the National Team concerned with the Pact of the Future at the Summit of the Future in 2024 adopted by United Nations Member States as a plan of action for people, planet, prosperity and peace outlined through 17 Sustainable Development Goals and related targets.
جميع الجلسات د. خالد دهيش
Day 3: Wednesday 01 May 2024
05/01/2024 7:00 ص
اليوم الثالث: الأربعاء 1 مايو
05/01/2024 7:00 ص
حلقة النقاش السادسة: مستقبل الشراكات بين مراكز البحث والابتكار والجهات التنفيذية - واقع التعاون البحثي (الاحتياج، الإمكانات، الفجوة).
Day 2: Tuesday 30 April 2024
04/30/2024 7:00 ص
اليوم الثاني: الثلاثاء 30 إبريل
04/30/2024 7:00 ص
04/29/2024 7:00 ص