م. عامر الرجيبة
"Chief Planning Officer
Saudi Water Partnership Company - SWPC
30 years of experience in energy and water industry. He holds MBA and, Mechanical Engineering degree from King Saudi University 1994.
Certified Commercial arbitrator, expert in projects and O&M started his career with Saline Water Conversion Corporation for 12 years before he was assigned as “Strategic Team Leader” at the Ministry of Water & Electricity to lead the water privatization program and establishment of National Water Company.
In 2010, he continued his executive career in leading international firms, Schlumberger and then, AREVA in the renewable and nuclear energy, managing business development activities in the Middle East region.
In 2016 back to government at the Ministry of Economy and Planning and during his time he was a board member of “Electricity & Co-Generation Authority”.
Joined SWPC in 2018 as Chief Planning Officer."
جميع الجلسات م. عامر الرجيبة
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