م. أليساندرو بالميري
"Alessandro Palmieri
Birth Date:29 July 1950
Education:M. Eng. Cum Laude in Civil and Hydraulic Engineering, University of Rome, 1974.
Professional membership: ICOLD and United States Society on Dams (USSD).
Residence:Via Massimi 25, 00136 Rome, Italy (H: +39 0635400797)
Experience Summary
Alessandro Palmieri has 49 years of experience worldwide in water infrastructure planning and development. He is internationally recognised as an authority on water resources infrastructure. Included in the list of the 60 most influential people ever in the dams and hydropower industry (October 2009). Awarded ICOLD’s honorary membership in recognition of services provided to the international dam society (May 2010). Awarded the India Power Award (November 2010) as one of the three top international actors in the hydropower business in the year. Chairperson of the ICOLD’s Committee on “Multipurpose Water Storage” (2013-2016).
He has been the Lead Dam Specialist in the World Bank from 1997 to 2013, with overall responsibility on technical aspects of the Institution’s portfolio of dams, including over 130 projects, with direct engagement in 86 water infrastructure operations. Before joining the Bank, Mr Palmieri worked in the private sector for 22 years. During his career, he has been involved in the full development cycle of dams and hydro projects in 75 countries, in every continent, working for major international institutions, private consulting firms and an international industrial group specialising in the construction of large, complex civil infrastructure. He is currently an independent adviser on water infrastructure to private Clients and Multilateral Development Institutions such as World Bank, Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, Inter-American Development Bank, Asian Development Bank, UNOPS, UNDP."
جميع الجلسات م. أليساندرو بالميري
Day 3: Wednesday 01 May 2024
05/01/2024 7:00 ص
اليوم الثالث: الأربعاء 1 مايو
05/01/2024 7:00 ص
Day 2: Tuesday 30 April 2024
04/30/2024 7:00 ص
اليوم الثاني: الثلاثاء 30 إبريل
04/30/2024 7:00 ص
الجلسة الثانية: تعزيز الاستفادة من مياه السدود وتكاتف القطاعات لتحقيق الاستدامة والفاعلية
04/29/2024 7:00 ص