Eng. Ali Al-Sahari

Eng. Ali Al-Sahari

  • Director of the Water Technology Innovation and Advanced Research Institute Saline Water Conversion Corporation

He has a bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering from King Khalid University and a master's degree in materials science and engineering from King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, and experience of more than 14 years at the Water Technologies Innovation Institute & Research Advancement (WTIIRA) worked on several projects related to corrosion and desalination materials as a corrosion engineer. He was a Senior Corrosion Engineer and then a Corrosion Research Assistant and Director of the Central Laboratories at the WTIIRA through which he worked on advanced systems to support national and international laboratories and accreditations to achieve the highest quality standards. He currently holds the functions of the Executive Director at the Institute. He participated in different conferences as speaker and delegates.

All Sessions by Eng. Ali Al-Sahari

Day 3: Wednesday 01 May 2024 05/01/2024 7:00 am
13:00 - 14:00

Panel Discussion 6: The Future of Partnerships between Research and Innovation Centers and Executive Entities - Research Collaboration Realities (Needs, Capabilities, Gaps)

اليوم الثالث: الأربعاء 1 مايو 05/01/2024 7:00 am
13:00 - 14:00

حلقة النقاش السادسة: مستقبل الشراكات بين مراكز البحث والابتكار والجهات التنفيذية - واقع التعاون البحثي (الاحتياج، الإمكانات، الفجوة).

Day 2: Tuesday 30 April 2024 04/30/2024 7:00 am
اليوم الثاني: الثلاثاء 30 إبريل 04/30/2024 7:00 am
DAY 1: MONDAY 29 APRIL 2024 04/29/2024 7:00 am